
Showing posts from May, 2011

Tips Tetap Kering saat Hujan menyapa..

Yogyakarta akhir-akhir ini rada bingung. Kadang ujan, kadang panas malahan kadang ujan pas cuaca panas...  -__________-', nah saya angkat seluruh jempol yang nempel di badan saya dah buat penemu peribahasa "sedia payung sebelum hujan", sepakat banget sama tuh peribahasa. Meskipun di pagi hari Jogja cerah ceria, tapi ga menutup kemungkinan baru jalan 1 meter tiba2 hujan datang... Saya sih sudah menerapkan pribahasa tadi, di dalem jok (motor) selalu ada mantol/mantel/mantrol (apapun namanya. Biar kalo si ujan dateng tanpa diminta, saya siap terlindungi... Tapi tapi tapi... apakah benar si mantel itu bisa memprotect our body dengan maximal?? Rasanya indak, sodaro2... 

Babe ku Maen Sinetron euy :p

Ada yang udah pernah ketemu pak Didik Jaka Mursida?, itu loh yang orangnya kumisan, endut , lucuuu dan mirip saya.. hehe ya iyalah mirip saya, kan beliau babe saya. Nah kalo yang udah pernah ketemu pasti tau deh babe ku itu orangnya nyentriiik banget, ya nyeni gitu dah... hoho dulu pas masih muda beliau aktip di paduan suara, teater, pokoknya hal2 yang berbau seni... dan hal itu menurun ke saya :). Beliau ga pernah kepikiran buat jadi pemaen sinetron tapi ternyata takdir berkata lain

I cant smile without you

Morning everybody... This song dedicated to my parents, u know what? I cant smile without them :D You know I can't smile without you I can't smile without you I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when you're sad I feel glad when you're glad If you only knew what I'm going through I just can't smile without you You came along just like a song And brighten my day Who would of believed that you where part of a dream Now it all seems light years away And now you know I can't smile without you I can't smile without you I can't laugh and I can't sing I'm finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when your sad I feel glad when you're glad If you only knew what I'm going through I just can't smile Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me And you see I can't smile without you I can'...

Meremehkan Kekuatan Allah...

 Hwaa hwaa udah berapa taun ya saya ga nge blog? (@l4y). kalo dilihat dari arsip siiih kayaknya sekitar 1 bulanan doang kok... Maklum baru bisa ngaskus.. jadi kaskusan terus dah (walopun cuma nyimak tanpa ngepost 1 thread pun lol). Oya selain ngaskus saya juga disibukkan dengan 1 hal yang bikin saya galau setengah hidup, yang tidak lain tidak bukan adalah ngerjain tugas akhir (yg baru ngerjain tugas akhir pasti juga ngerasa galau). Nah yang terakhir ini juga lumayan menyita waktu saya... ceritanya sekarang saya baru nge build-up bisnis nih... hoho... Sekarang saya baru belajar untuk berbisnis, modalnya ga gede tapi hasilnya guuueeedeee (kalo berhasil :D). Siapa sih yang ga mau berhasil? (yang ngacung, bertobatlah). Semua orang pasti pengen berhasil kan? dalam hal apapun; persahabatan, keluarga, finansial dll. Di bisnis ini ada beberapa tahapan untuk meraih keberhasilan itu... simple but hard.. hard but possible to do. Ini yang harus saya lakukan dibisnis yang sekarang baru saya...

If I Could Catch a Rainbow

by Sandra Lewis Pringle, in the book  "Sing Loudly as Lion's Roar" If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it, just for you, And, share with you, its beauty, on the days you're feeling blue. If I could, I would build a mountain, you could call your very own. A place to find serenity, a place just to be alone. If I could, I would take your troubles, and toss them into the sea. But, all these things, I'm finding, are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain, or catch a rainbow fair; but, let me be, what I know best, A Friend, who's always there. I promise to defend you, should the occasion ever rise, And, I promise to wipe away the tears, which might stream from your weeping eyes. Let me be the trusted Friend, the one that you know best. I will never leave you, on that, you can surely rest. this poem dedicated for all of my friends :)